The next meeting of the Livingston Manor-Roscoe Merger Advisory Committee will be held Monday, May 16, at Livingston Manor Central School.  A building tour will be offered in Livingston Manor beginning at 5:15 p.m., with the meeting to follow at 6. Anyone who wishes to attend remotely may do so via Zoom at . This meeting will cover facilities and transportation. 

The Livingston Manor and Roscoe school districts entered into a merger study — the required first step before districts can merge — in December 2021. The study began in March and will continue through the spring. To complete the study, consultants meet with a committee made up of students, employees and residents of both school districts to compile information about the districts and provide information that could inform a possible merger. Meetings are open to the public.  

Residents of both districts will also have the chance to share opinions about the proposed merger in an exit survey that will be conducted in connection with the May 17 school budget and Board of Education votes. Polls will be open from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. in Livingston Manor and noon to 8 p.m. in Roscoe. All in-person voters will have the opportunity to complete an anonymous exit survey while at the polls.

More information about the proposed merger is at and